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- Gabriel Orozco 

- Tara Donovan

- Seyo Cizmic 

- Marcel Duchamp

- Duffala brothers 

- Grec Colson

- Lousi Nevelson 


3D Art uses computer graphics to create three-dimensional images for video games, film, advertising and many other creative areas. 3D computer animation techniques produce much more realistic results


- Installation

- Object Intervention

- Taking Funcionality

- Collecting and Clasification 

- Modulation 

- Changing the Function

- Assemblage 

uses regular and common objects to interpret its function, this is removed but in the final work, is reflected the main function of the object, uses weapons and tools with respect to the strategy of not using conventional materials, relating this with all works and experiments because we use the first thing we saw and build a work with conventional materials but removing the function to each of them

The interesting thing about all the works of this artist is that he takes care of the whole process, the wood molds it as well as the weapons, beyond that he takes care of the curatorial decisions, which are very accurate and also takes care of much the bellesa, something that for him is very important to maintain, then it is a 100 process made by this artist in each one of his faces

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olga diego is an artist with very particular works, this is because the center of them is the public, they intertwine in the work of this artist painting in them, the artist is in charge of propelling the figure of the inflatable and the installation and put them in an attractive way with the curative decisions beyond the public put what he wanted, the works were very nice to look at, she takes care of art l make the public and try to make the art a bit more dynamic


my work consists of a series of useless school elements, I remove the function to each one of them; to the scissors, I put silicone on the bottom so they would not close, I made some pencils, these had wooden tips that did not paint anything, a tajalapiz that had the blade pointing to the other side, so this did not work, and a rule cin measures or numbers, this work had a series of instructions, with the intention that visitors interact with this work by following a few steps and in the end only could not do anything

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eske rex is an artist who works with machines to make art, such as mine, he made in this case a great machine that is a pendulum to make citrus of different citcunferences and of different colors, aesthetically it looks very good and the innovative of This is the machine and the time it takes to make this monumental work

wiliamm lamson is one of the artists who uses the most unusual materials of all, in this case the use ... the light of the sun, resembles mine because he made a maqona to do his work and likewise had planned to do leas, deomoro 12 hpras doing this rabajp and then had to cut the large piece of land forming a great work of art that deoendiendo of tastes, this aesthetically looked very good


Second year

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