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This is a project that consisted of using an unconventional way of painting or creating 2D art, paintings, images, etc. For this project, use a machine with a motor that rotated at a speed, a motor, a motor which I anointed with paint and when I turned it on and put it on paper, I created the work of art, thus using a machine, unconventional and inventing a new way of making art

my work consists of a series of useless school elements, I remove the function to each one of them; to the scissors, I put silicone on the bottom so they would not close, I made some pencils, these had wooden tips that did not paint anything, a tajalapiz that had the blade pointing to the other side, so this did not work, and a rule cin measures or numbers, this work had a series of instructions, with the intention that visitors interact with this work by following a few steps and in the end only could not do anything to confuse the spectators there were some chalk that worked

For the work of art of the second quarter, the objectivp was to make a work two in 3D, could be a sculpture, assembly, etc, in my case I made a work that calls, "useless tools" this consisted of a series of objects schools that did not work, I put a scissors, a pencil, a pencil a calculator etc, none of these objects worked and the main idea was to see the interaction of the visitors and especially their reaction


My final project consisted of recreating an avitacion of any child, this room had a bed, lamp, night table, blankets and more
It was an installation where audio predominated, the intention was to recreate what my dreams were about 4 years when I was afraid of the dark
lasted approximately 3 minutes, had voice, music, sounds and more
I used as a pretext to scare people as proof that if they felt what I interpreted, I felt at 4

my feedback conceived that, conceptually, it was a very strong work, but I am missing the file, although it was about me, I did not show it, to correct this, I could have made a precentation card, images of my childhood or maybe do A performace.

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